"Dad you’re loved so very much
for the things you do and say –
And the happiness that you provide
in your own special way.
So on your special day Dad
you’re wished wonderful things –
For you have truly earned the love
this birthday message brings."
"You won’t find many birthday cards
with this much love inside –
‘Cause every time I think of you
it fills my heart with pride.
And every time a special day
comes calling through the year –
It’s really nice to send a card
to someone, I hold so dear.
Happy Birthday Dad"
"You mean so very much
so a special wish is sent –
For a Birthday full of happiness
laughter and enjoyment.
Hoping that your Birthday brings
all that you’re hoping for –
For there is no other Dad
who deserves it more.
Happy Birthday Dad"

"Dad, it is your birthday
and this brings a wish for you –
That, this day and year is the best
in everything you do.
"Because today’s your special day
it really wouldn’t do –
To send you one simple wish
to last the whole year through.
I wish you happy moments Dad
and a day when dreams come true –
A year that’s filled with all good things
that mean the world to you.
Happy Birthday Dad"
"I wish a Happy Birthday
to the man I call my Dad –
As I look back on all these years
and all the good times we’ve had.
All are filled with laughter
our faces brightened with smiles –
Especially when you tickle me
you could hear my laugh from miles.
You help me with so many things
and encourage me my best –
You always put smiles on my face
whenever I was stressed.
You always joke around with me
in a ways that show you care –
And when I need your guidance
you are always there.
So today is your day
and I thank you for all you do –
Know that you mean so much to me
and that I Love You."
"This is a very special gift
that you can never see –
The reason it’s so special
it comes to you from me.
Whenever you are lonely Dad
or even feeling a little blue –
You only have to hold this gift
and know I think of you.
You never can unwrap it
please leave the ribbon tied –
You only have to hold this gift
its filled with love inside.
Happy Birthday Day"

"You’re a very special dad, indeed
you’re always there, when I’m in need.
I hope you have, the best birthday
on this, your very special day."
"A dad like you is hard to find
not that I’ve searched for another –
I’m perfectly content with the one I have
I can’t imagine a different Father.
The Lord must love me so very much
to have chosen you to be my dad –
I’m sure He looked the universe over
then decided, ‘This is the one she’ll have.’
You are the dad, just right for me
I can’t imagine anyone but you –
Sharing ups, downs, laughter and tears
and the silly things we do.
Thanks for always being there
you are my super Dad! –
A one-in-a-million, never before
the greatest to be had.
And so on this, your birthday
Let me tell you once again –
How blessed I am that you’re my dad
Whose become even more my friend."
"Wrapped up in Birthday Paper
sealed with a Hug and Kiss –
Today Is your “Birthday”
So, I give you this.
I have wrapped for you my feelings
you must reach down deep inside –
Just for today you get to peek
just to see how I feel inside.
You know I have trouble dad
my words, don’t seem to flow –
But, Dad I love you so much
more than you would ever know.
So I’ve wrapped my words securely
In paper wrap and tape –
Loving words written on paper
So they can’t escape.
Happy Birthday Dad"

"A dad like you is hard to find
not that I’ve searched for another –
I’m perfectly content with the one I have
I can’t imagine a different Father.
The Lord must love me so very much
to have chosen you to be my dad –
I’m sure He looked the universe over
then decided, ‘This is the one she’ll have.’
You are the dad, just right for me
I can’t imagine anyone but you –
Sharing ups, downs, laughter and tears
and the silly things we do.
Thanks for always being there
you are my super Dad! –
A one-in-a-million, never before
the greatest to be had.
And so on this, your birthday
Let me tell you once again –
How blessed I am that you’re my dad
Whose become even more my friend."
"Wrapped up in Birthday Paper
sealed with a Hug and Kiss –
Today Is your “Birthday”
So, I give you this.
I have wrapped for you my feelings
you must reach down deep inside –
Just for today you get to peek
just to see how I feel inside.
You know I have trouble dad
my words, don’t seem to flow –
But, Dad I love you so much
more than you would ever know.
So I’ve wrapped my words securely
In paper wrap and tape –
Loving words written on paper
So they can’t escape.
Happy Birthday Dad"
"If I could choose the perfect Dad
there’s no other that I’d rather –
Than to have YOU, as MY DAD
as you are the best Father."
"Dad, you’re there when you’re needed
and help out where you can –
You’re someone to depend on
to lend a helping hand.
So on this special day of yours
this card is sent to say –
May good luck and health be yours
each and every day!"
"Because you are so special
I hope your day, holds in store –
Happiness that overflows
with all you`re wishing for.
And I hope the days that follow
make up a year that brings –
All things that you wish for
and the best of everything.
Happy Birthday Dad"
"Put your feet up
dear old Dad –
You need a rest after
the year you’ve had.
All that work
you have to do –
It must take
it out of you.
But after all these years Dad
you’re still going strong –
Doing all that you can
and helping everyone.
Dad, you simply are
the best a Dad could be –
and I wish you a Happy Birthday
just from you to me."
"To think of all the happiness
that you’ve treasured and known –
Of all the warm and happy smiles
and thoughtfulness you’ve shown.
So when you think of us Dad
and we know, you often do –
Just remember, that we are
always, thinking of You.
Happy Birthday Dad"
"You’re a dad who’s special
each day and all year through –
May God give you happiness
in everything you do."
"You’re thought of so often
and that’s the reason why –
It seems so right to tell you
before your day goes by.
You’re loved for all your special ways
your warmth and kindness too –
And wished a world of happiness
today and all year through.
And because today’s your special day
this brings, lots of love your way –
For all the nice things you’ve done
each and every day.
Happy Birthday Dearest Dad"
"Happy birthday dearest Dad
you deserve the best –
For you will always be, to me
a mile above the rest.
You do so much for others
whoever is in need –
Always willing, to lend a hand
and doing a good deed.
So I hope that on your birthday
you’ll let others show they care –
By all the cards and gifts they give
and all the love they share."

"Because you are so great, Dad
you’re wished for nothing less –
Than a Birthday that is perfect
and filled with happiness.
Have a wonderful Birthday Dad."
"Dad do you remember
when I was a little tot –
You played lots of games with me
and read to me a lot.
Now that I’ve grown older
it’s you, I come to see –
Because you are my lovely Dad
who means the world to me."
"Loving and giving, is my Dad
He’ll go that extra mile –
Without ever complaining
on his face, always a smile.
You know, I feel so lucky
having a wonderful dad, it’s true
So now it is your birthday
I send loving wishes to you!"
"You’re someone who
is loved so much for
all the things you do –
So may you find your
birthday brings, the
best in life to you."
"Happy Birthday Dad
You really mean so much you know
in all you say and do –
There’s no-one else who can compare
who’s special just like you."
"Heaven holds my Father
on this, his special day.
Lord I ask this of you
to tell him I’m okay.
Then put your arms around him
and tell him that’s from me.
Please tell him that I will love him
for all Eternity."
"From tossing the baseball in the lawn
And to cover a yawn
How to drive a car
And how to turn on
You’ve taught me everything I know today
So truly “Thank you”
Is all I can say
Happy Birthday Dad"
"Happy birthday to the best dad ever
You’re hilariously funny
And brilliantly clever
My biggest role model
In all of my endeavors
I’m so glad to have someone like you
That I can look up to
And count on, no matter what I do"
"It’s your birthday
There’s so much to do
So much to celebrate
That great Dad that’s you
The great life you’ve led
The great life you now lead
The great things that you do
Through both action and deed
Here’s to another great year
And more years to come
But if life were a contest
Then you’ve already won "
"Happy Birthday to you, Dad
The best man that I know
Whose wisdom follows me
Wherever I go
One thing that you taught me
Is to celebrate right
So have that piece of cake
And make tonight your night"
"To the father who raised me
And showed me the way
Between right and wrong
Here’s to your special day
All my life you’ve guided me
All my life you’ve been there
So I say “Happy Birthday”
With the greatest of care "
You have always been the best
No matter what anyone says
Today’s your special day
So my present for you today is
This reminder of how much
I appreciate you
And all of the work you’ve done
And letting you know I love you
Happy Birthday"
"Dear Dad
We probably drive you crazy
We may have made you go grey
But in the end you know
We love you and it makes it all okay
We are so grateful for all you’ve done
And hope you know, especially today
How much we love you
Happy Birthday"
"Happy Birthday Daddy
What can you say to someone who has always cared for you
Who has gone to every soccer game and always cleaned up after you?
The only words that even come close are I love you and today
I want to wish you a very happy Birthday"
"Happy birthday to you, pops
as you wake
like every other day
and go about your routine
like nothing is different.
Except it is different
because you know
you have completed another cycle
in spite of everything
and you will see
more glorious days."
"Today is your birthday,
and we want you to know
about all of the love
that you always would show.
You taught us the lessons
of life that are meaningful,
the right things to do
and to see ourselves as beautiful!
Happy Birthday Father!"
"Happy Birthday Father!
This is your day
to let all of your worries
just melt away!
Happy Birthday Father!
This is the time
to relax in a chair
and just unwind!
Happy Birthday Father!
Let us surround you
in chorus and cheer
to tell you we love you!"
"I looked to you for guidance,
For a gentle guiding hand,
You gave the best example,
Of what it is to be a man.
You shelter and protect me,
You always showed you care,
So today I want to thank you,
For always being there.
Happy Birthday Dad"
"When I was a baby:
You held my hand to help me cross the road
When I was a teen:
You made it clear that I could share life’s load
When I was a bride:
I took your arm, you walked me down the aisle
And now it is your birthday:
I just want to make you smile.
I love you Dad – Happy Birthday
"This day is very special
As I have the chance to say
Just how much you mean to me
In every single way
Dad it is your birthday
Now’s my chance to let you know
How much you have inspired me
And helped me learn and grow
Happy Birthday Dad"
"My first love. It is your dad and I can
only wish you the dearest thing to
you heart. Long life to spend more
happy years to mum."
"Have a happy birthday dad,
As a thank you for making my
childhood birthday’s the best
For renting out a bounce house
and hiring a magician
While I may have not rented a
bounce house or hired a magician,
I want your day to be memorable
as you dad."
"The cake has been brought and the
candles have been put into place
To celebrate the day that a
fantastic man entered the world
For all that you have done and
continue to do
I wish you a very happy birthday
"On this day, many years ago
A wonderful man was born
This man, my hero
Who did everything he can to make
me the person that I am
Happy birthday dad,
I hope this day is as wonderful as
you are"
"Happy Happy Birthday Dad!
You gave me life, a home, and love to spare
I hope your day is free of worries or cares
Here’s to another year,
With more smiles and laughter
And hopefully fewer tears
Today is for you dad, and for all of us to cheer!"
"I know they say that after 21
Birthdays are all down hill
They say, birthdays are just “another day”
And that Celebrating your birthday is “for kids”
Well not today, Dad
Not for you
For Today we celebrate all that is you!
Today you can relax, go ahead and hit snooze
Because today is not for working hard,
It’s for saying I love you!
Another year older, and another year better
I hope you enjoy your day, as much as I know you’ve enjoyed this letter!
Happy Birthday Dad!"
"Cake helps make the day so special, you and your kindness deserve a million cakes in between.
But we will just start here, because today on your birthday it’s all just for you.
We hope to make it special enough just for you,
Just because we want you to know how much we really love you so.
Happy Birthday Dad."
"To the man who often gets forsaken,
To the man who is weary and heavy laden;
Today on you birthday we want you to know that we love you more than you know
Thank you for the work you do and the places you go,
To make life more enjoyable.
Happy birthday Dad."
"May your cake be perfect,
May your day be happy.
You are appreciated more than you know, and today on your birthday we hope that you know
How much we love you.
Happy birthday dear dad."
"Daddy I love you,
I want you to know,
Daddy I love you, it really is so
Sometimes I pot, and sometimes I shout,
But you always are there for me, there’s never a doubt
So have a nice birthday, from me to you,
Daddy love you, it really is true. "