happy birthday wishes

» Wishes

Young man, one day you will find someone that will look past your imperfections. Wonderful bday to you!

Young man, now is the time to let all that creativity out of your body and show the world what you are made of. Wonderful birthday!

Young man, it may seem as if the world is going against you but soon it will be fine. best bday to you!

Young boy, you have so much potential inside of you waiting to burst out. Wonderful birthday!

Young boy, you are strong and you are wise so just keep growing up. Wonderful bday!

Young boy, just know that there are times when you hit rock bottom but you will be fine, okay?

You rock, young man, so have a rocking party for your birthday today to. Enjoy your day!

You may still be young but you can influence big things in the future. Best bday to you!

You may not know it now but you have great things waiting for you out there. Best bday!

You have so much life to live ahead of you so just take it slow. Happy bday, boy!

You may be young, boy but you have so much waiting for you in store, best bday to you.

You have grown into quite a gentleman and you are so coo. Best bday.

You grow older today but your heart will still be a kid, so just enjoy your birthday.

You are the most awesome young man that I have ever met so have fun on this birthday, today.

You are quite an exceptional boy and no one can ever compare. Best birthday to you.

You are now a young man, no longer a kid but not yet an adult, something in between. Happy bday to you!

You are lucky that you are still so young, you can still do so much, wonderful birthday to you!

For me, you will always be one of the best young men I have ever met. Enjoy your birthday!

Find some friends to celebrate your birthday with you young man and go have fun this day!

Boy, you have so much things waiting for you to be discovered. Happy birthday to you!

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